Antibiotic Resistance in Bangladesh: Current Scenario

Author Details

Samiha Tasneem

Journal Details


Published: 4 November 2024 | Article Type : Research Article


Background: Antibiotic overuse in Bangladesh has escalated to a concerning degree, endangering public health as a result of drug resistance. The government of Bangladesh is launching several initiatives and plans to manage this health issue. However, the situation is getting worse every day because of the ease of access to this medication and a lack of knowledge in the general public. To stop this growing menace, the government, medical professionals, local authorities, and the general public must work together.

Methods: Structured interviews with 30 people were conducted to find out whether individuals are aware of antibiotic resistance and the drug law of 2023. Information was also acquired from scholarships such as reports, journal articles, newspapers and websites.

Results: Bangladesh is reportedly experiencing a significant increase in antibiotic resistance. It is found that the majority of the participants possess (76%) misconceptions regarding antibiotic uses and resistance. Moreover,94% have no idea about drug laws and government policies. A lack of funding and manpower prevented the government of Bangladesh from implementing its policies and legislation.

Conclusions: Antibiotic resistance can be controlled through rigorous government surveillance and a collaborative effort from all societal members.

Keywords: Antibiotic, Bangladesh, Health, Resistance.

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Article Type

Research Article

How to Cite


Samiha Tasneem. (2024-11-04). "Antibiotic Resistance in Bangladesh: Current Scenario." *Volume 6*, 1, 25-31